How Can I Be Part Of The Passionist Journey?
There are many ways of sharing in the journey of ‘walking into the future with hope’. Our most basic calling is to be the best human persons we can be in whatever way of life we are called to live our discipleship into which we are invited at Baptism
Is there a place for me as a person drawn to the Passionist journey but not to religious life?
Yes, building community and belonging is part of our ministry which is done differently in different parts of the Congregation.
The charism is not a possession that is for vowed religious only but a gift to be shared where people are empowered and encouraged to walk with each other in times of joy and struggle.
Some areas developed formal ways such as Associates where people are invited to journey on a regular basis in prayer, reflection and action to share the compassion of Christ with those who are in need. This means that they are encouraged to come to know the history and spirituality of the Sisters and participate in ministry.
We are committed to empowering groups to share in ministry whether it is in caring for the sick and bereaved, catechesis, or in promoting awareness of issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation which is a core value. We are called to walk together in hope into a future which is uncertain but full of possibility.
And if I want to become a vowed member what is involved?
The call of Christ is an invitation to seek life, ‘to live it to the full’ and to live with God at the centre. Living as a consecrated person in community is another way of responding to this call. Pope Francis describes this as a ‘call to wake up the world’ rather than living in some kind of utopia. He goes on to say ‘It is about finding ways to create alternate spaces where the Gospel approach to self-giving, embracing differences and love of one another can thrive.’ We need to come to know what motivates us and sets us on fire and what we are passionate about.
We are called to be immersed in the love, compassion and justice that is central to the Gospel and at the heart of the self-giving of Jesus on the Cross. We are invited to participate in the dynamic and complex process of transformation which shapes and nurtures a deeper appreciation of self, our relationships with others, with Earth and with marginalised people. We are challenged to develop as a person, to live authentically and make a difference in the world.
Our formation therefore, is holistic covering all aspects of life and takes us through a process of becoming more aware of our intentions and desires, of growing in maturity and exploring what it means to live a vowed life in a way that serves God with a sensitivity to the issues of this time. It means using our skills and gifts to contribute to the building of the kingdom of God in the concrete situations in which we find ourselves today.
There are different stages on this journey to a full vowed commitment but it always needs to be lived in personal and communal discernment whilst being accompanied by Sisters with experience and also with Spiritual Direction.